Laurel's Prize Tourney
Gunnora Hallakarva
gunnora at
Mon Oct 14 04:50:29 PDT 1996
Heilsa, All!
I'm sure all of you artisans are out there working your fingers to
the bone getting ready for Laurel's Prize Tournament (it'll be here before
you know it!)
I just wanted to post a reminder that I am offering a special prize
for static arts (non-textile) in the Norse/Viking style or with a
Norse/Viking theme. I have just completed this prize (yes, I had one of
those dreaded artist all-nighters!), which is a reliquary-type house-shaped
chest, 10x9x6, made of carved "ivory" plaques (simulated ivory, that is)
held together with engraved brass strips, similar to the Cammin Casket, the
Franks Casket or the Bamburg Casket (ask your local Vikinghs if you aren't
familiar with these museum pieces).
I have amazed myself on this one, even if I do say so myself... the
faux ivory looks very real and the overall effect is simply opulent. This
would be a choice item for any Viking, Saxon, or Celt. It would be perfect
for a jewelry box for any period. I don't really want to part with it now
that it's done, so ya'll should plan to really wow me with your Norse/Viking
displays if you want this prize!
And, lest the textile artists think that I'm discriminating, I also
have goodies for the textile entries that please me the best, including hand
carved stag-horn needles and knotwork-carved bone needle-cases to hang from
Viking brooches.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you with your amazing displays
(isn't it true that Ansteorra is the Land of the Best Artists in the Knowne
World? Come out to Laurel's prize Tourney and prove it!)
Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa (th)ik hversu o(dh)lask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna
heldr hversu na Hersis-A(dh)al
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