[TY] Cracked Anvil Collegium: call for instructors (fwd)
Matthew R. Popalisky
mrp at engr.uark.edu
Sun Oct 27 16:16:14 PST 1996
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 15:28:55 -0600 (CST)
From: "David L. Backlin" <dbackli at comp.uark.edu>
To: mrp at engr.uark.edu
Subject: [TY] Cracked Anvil Collegium: call for instructors (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 11:37:53 -0600
From: Dennis VanArsdale <dvanarsd at systema.westark.edu>
Reply-To: meridies at web.ce.utk.edu
To: meridies at web.ce.utk.edu
Subject: [TY] Cracked Anvil Collegium: call for instructors
Oyez! Oyez!
The Shire of Smythkepe announces the Third
Annual Cracked Anvil Collegium, and calls for instructors for classes
at our one-day event, on Feb. 8, 1997, in downtown Fort Smith,
Arkansas. Ads will be in Pop Chiv. Easy to get to, plenty of
parking, pleasant school building and slay - sorry, _play_ground.
Crash space available.
Yes, Smythkepe, which actually teaches _Revel_ classes at our
Collegium revel (don't ask - just come and enjoy the weird stuff that
didn't fit into a serious format) will be teaching, fighting,
feasting, and reveling once again.
The famous "Death By Feast" (meaning you stuff yourself!) is even
bigger and better this year! (Monty Python's Meaning of Life ain't
got nuthin' on us!) Lunch is also included.
Crafts, history, practical Society help - whatever your subject,
please consider attending and teaching with us. Contact the autocrat
at this email address to propose a class. Classes will be from 9
a.m. to about 4 or 5 p.m.
This year we're hoping to add a tourney, and would love to have some
fighters' classes (if you can teach one), and still hope for a
marshal of fencing, too.
Woodworking class this year will be "Build a siege engine, and have a
demo _anywhere_, _anytime_ you want - or else!". I plan to actually
have us put one together in class; how's that for ambitious/madness?
In service to the Shire,
Lord Denys de Houtbewerker
Autocrat, Cracked Anvil Collegium III
Dennis G. Van Arsdale, Technical Services Librarian
Boreham Library, Westark Community College*********
"The opinions expressed and the information provided
here or through any connection are not the
responsibility of the College or any related service
P.O. Box 3649 Fort Smith ARkansas 72913-3649
(501) 788-7206 -- dvanarsd at systema.westark.edu
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