
dennis grace amazing at
Mon Sep 23 20:24:53 PDT 1996

Previously, eilis posted:

>Actually, although each Principality is required to have a Chronicler and
>produce a newsletter, there is *no* reason that this newsletter must be
>subscription-based.  If a Principality is not in the process of actively
>trying for Kingdom status, they just have to produce a newsletter of some
>sort, distributed in some manner.
>In both the Mists and Cynagua, the newsletter is produced and simply handed
>out at Coronet Tournies and Investitures.  They include a listing of
>Principality officers, a list of upcoming events, and some neat articles.
>All the event copy and award lists are published primarily in the Kingdom
>newsletters.  The Principality newsletters are paid for by the
>Principalities -- and the Principalities are funded by their event fees.
>It works for us...
>  --- eilis, Westerner & Board Ombudsthing for Ansteorra

Cool.  Noteworthy also in that Principalities founded with the intent of
posting minimal, non-subscription newsletters would not be initially suspect
of designs upon secession.  Thank you, eilis.

Yours in Virtual Service

Sir Lyonel

Dennis G. Grace
Assistant Instructor
Postmodern Medievalist
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
University of Texas

By cause that I am a burel man,
At my bigynnyng first I yow biseche,
Have me excused of my rude speche.
I lerned nevere rethorik, certeyn;
Thyng that I speke, it moot be bare and pleyn.
                         --Jeff Chaucer

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