ANST - Pennsic

Greg Rose greg at
Tue Aug 19 11:50:49 PDT 1997

	The "perks" of fighting for the East are, frankly, usually better
for allies than those associated with fighting for the Middle.  For
example, the East often delegates command of a battle to an ally.  Also,
Atlantia usually fights for the East and, since there is a large Atlantian
contingent every year at Gulf War, during the reign of Patrick Michael IV
(and Galmr in Atlantia) Ansteorra signed a treaty which committed the
Ansteorra to fight on the side of Atlantia at Pennsic and Atlantia to fight
with Ansteorra at Gulf War (Inman and I drafted the text of the treaty at
HRM's instructions and conducted the negotiations with Atlantia).

Hossein Ali Qomi
(Gregory Rose)


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