ANST - Tennis ball ammo

Scott White swhite at
Mon Aug 25 11:43:31 PDT 1997

>    As I understand the situation from Duke Fredrick of Holland (aka Flieg)
>the rebar was used in javelins, not tennisball shot.

I *heard* almost immediately after the battle that it was a weighted
catapult rock. But 'heard', of course, is the operative word here.

>I will closely question his Grace this coming Laborday
>weekend and make sure of the ammo type being so weighted.

Please report. I'd be interested in knowing the straight dope -- not names,
but what type of ammo was indeed weighted.

>ball shot may have only one ounce weight added, including the tape. There
>is a whole method spelled out for doing this safely.

Please fill us in. This could be VERY useful in rules consideration for
Gulf Wars.

<swhite at>

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