Boy's Life blurb

Chris Walden cmwalden at
Thu Feb 6 02:27:25 PST 1997

On  5 Feb 97 Scott White wrote:

> >>	On pg. 52 of the February issue of _Boy's Life_ magazine,
> >>an article titled "Kooky Sports" ends with the following 
> >>paragraph:
> [...]
>    So what do YOU think about this?

I think we tend to get overly sensitive about this sort of thing.  We complain 
when someone doesn't see the important subtleties about what we're doing.  Then 
we complain when our folks concentrate too much on details and not enough on 
what everyone wants to do.  Then we complain when people are ...

We want people to understand why we play this game.  We want them to see it 
with the same perspective that we have.  So we often force the issue.

At demos, the standard I see is that the "hawker" will describe the armor 
requirements and blow calling standards and awards and stuff to a crowd of 
people who just wants to see a good butt-kicking.  The technique that Savien 
and I have adopted for doing fighting demos is to let the audience know that 
the fighters call their own blows and that if the audience can do this too!  
Then we try to focus on making things a little entertaining.

The way I see it, the people who really are interested in what we do, will come 
up and dig more deeply.  Joe six-pack doesn't care that our king reigns for six 
months with a limited set of powers within our laws.  They just want to know 
that we have a king.

Rather than a rebuttle-- which sounds like we got our little feelings hurt-- 
I'd rather see a focus article.  We shouldn't say "You didn't say the right 
things about us and we want a correction."  Rather we should say "We saw you 
mention us in your magazine.  We'd love to give you a closer look if you think 
this fits your format."

Do we perhaps take our selves a leeetle bit too seriously sometimes?

M. Antoine Doré
Pour vous servir.

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