Winning at All Costs

Gunnora Hallakarva gunnora at
Wed Feb 26 13:55:00 PST 1997

Damaris said:
>Exactly.  And I just want to add my two cents worth.  Gunnora, to me,
>seemed to be concerned about the small town football team attitude so
>prevalent in Texas and OK, infiltrating Ansteorra that attitude being,
>win at all costs.  It is important to win, yes.  But it is MORE
>important to be able to win fairly and with honor. (did I get this
>right, Gunnora?)

Heilsa, All.

        Sorry I missed the discussion my original post kicked off... I spent
my weekend "vacationing" in the hospital, but I'm better now.

        Damaris has my point exactly.  It is good to be competitive, to
strive for one's personal best, to hope one's side will achieve victory.  It
is NOT good to be so fixated on winning that one sacrifices personal honor,
the Kingdom's honor, personal safety or the safety of others on the altar of
"Win At Any Cost."

        I've been in wars where some folks forgot that come Monday, we're
all supposed to be friends again.  In such a situation, people can go out on
the field with the intent to HURT others.  I've seen folks flat refuse to
call blows because they just HAD to win.  Another, lesser noticed
side-effect of "Win At All Costs" is that you tend to "demonize" the
opposing side.  I have heard of cases where some cretins decided it was "OK"
to steal personal belongings from the enemy's campsite... and not in "good
fun", either... this was money and jewelry, not "counting coup" with a token
item such as a banner or mascot that was returned later.

        My original point was not that we had to accept mediocrity, but
rather, to remember that the main point of our larger SCA battles is TO HAVE
FUN.  Winning can make it even more fun, but not if honor or safety are

        Let's just avoid the type of mentality that small town football
engenders... that "winning is everything," and that losing somehow
"dishonors" the defeated party.  In Texas, entire towns get enmeshed in this
rabid attitude, and it is just not healthy.  

        Winning is not everything, nor even the most important thing.  In
*MY* opinion, personal honor should be the most important thing.  Winning is
good, if it can be done honorably.  Fight well, honor your defeated opponent
for his bravery and honor, but most of all, go out and have a great time.


Gunnora Hallakarva
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