
Dottie Elliott macdj at
Mon Jun 16 14:36:56 PDT 1997

dennis grace 6/16/97 4:08 PM

>Clare, that's how people become aware of a problem: someone complains.
>Apparently the isolated complaints that have filtered back to Bryn Gwlad
>over the years haven't been enough to effect any constructive response,
>since the same complaint keeps being generated. 

I don't know about that. This topic has been debated many times in the 
last couple of years. Whether or not the accusations and debates have 
made a difference are can be argued either way forever but truly that is 
unimportant. In a way, maybe its been said TOO many times. People have 
been told TOO many times that is a problem and we need to "do" something. 
Thats why I want to hold an informal discussion of SOLUTIONS. 

I don't really care what has occurred in the past. I don't really care 
whos to blame (if any one is) or who did what or where the bodies lie :) 
and so forth. 

I do care that we try another way you know as in Something Completely 
Different. Instead of just discussing and cussing and trying to raise 
awareness we can come up with a...a Plan, yeah that its. Then we can 
implement the Plan, yeah yeah I see this now. then we can modify the Plan.

ummm, sorry, just in a wierd mood.


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