Magic moments

Timothy A. McDaniel tmcd at
Thu Jun 26 15:18:03 PDT 1997

I had a somewhat magic moment, come to think of it (or perhaps it
was a burst of pure pleasure -- my memories of what I was thinking
at the time are vague).  It was at Inman's most recent coronation.
I believe it was when Kean and Alicia were stepping down.  No,
it wasn't the "swear to The Dream(TM)" business.  It was Kean's
county charter.  It sounded so period that my head was ready to
burst.  Not just "rights and privileges", but something like
"rights titles styles privileges and pre-eminences as fully
and freely as anyone has had them before", for example.

Daniel de Lincoln
Tim McDaniel.   Reply to tmcd at
tmcd at is not a valid address.

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