Peer elevation...

Nancy Wederstrandt nweders at
Mon Mar 3 15:24:50 PST 1997

You have the right to ask any peer to bring up anyone you think should be
brought.  Over the years, I have asked by other peers in other circles,
non-peers, the Crown to bring up a particular person.  That peer has an
obligation to bring the name up for discussion.  For courtesies sake, when
you suggest a name explain why.  A little written note listing their
attributes would be very helpful.  Peers are not infalllible, they cannot
see or be everywhere and in the case of pelicans, very often that work goes
unnoticed or quietly done.  In the past I've appreciated imput from others,
(peers and non-peers) because people cannot always see the whole person
just one aspect.   Many times that peers will do a little investigatory
footwork to check the person out so they can speak from personal
experience.  At least that is what I try to do and I know others do as
well.  Never be afraid to volunteer good thoughts, actions or suggestions
about will never go unrewarded.


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