Peers and students, my opinions..

Pug Bainter pug at
Thu May 29 13:17:53 PDT 1997

> When the Laurels discuss your work in their circle (as I'm sure they will),
> whose resposibility will it be to bring back their helpful criticism?  Whose
> resposibility is it to tell you when you're doing well?  Although you may
> already be getting feedback, I find that it's exponentially more productive
> if someone is specifically designated for this job.

Although I understand the need for criticism to come back, I would hope
that my friends would let me know. Be this criticism from circles, at
events or personal issues.

I think having one person doing this for you is a mistake since it is
still one person's viewpoint (as was pointed out to me about myself). If
all of your friends help you out, it gives you more perspectives.

> Also, you can use your teacher as a springboard into the other arts.  You
> pointed out that although Laurels may be expert in their chosen field, they
> may have limited or no knowledge in another but I can assure you that they
> *know* someone who is.

I have already been using friends/peers for this.

I think my main problem is understanding why you need a "formal" structure
for this.

> I've seen your postings here and I am certain that you will want
> to do something else someday on top of your brewing and vinting... perhaps
> cooping, vinegar distillation,

Already planning vinegars, but not near my brewing. I'm still not
certain it's safe in the same house. *grin*

> cullinary arts.

Now here I already know a few people to talk to about. *grin*


Phelim "Pug" Gervase  | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something 
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |  graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with 
House Flaming Dog     |  vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at           |  beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"

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