Peers and students...

Chris and Elisabeth Zakes moondrgn at
Thu May 29 20:24:36 PDT 1997

At 11:05 AM 5/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Her Most August Excellency wrote:
>>I was informed that it was not until recently (5 years ago) that Laurals 
>>started to take apprentences.  Had Knights always taken squires or is 
>>that new also.
>>Learning to Serve the Dream,
>>Kayleigh Drake
>>Baroness of Bonwicke
>>The Western Region of Ansteorra
>Begging Your Excellent pardon, I think you may have been mis-informed.
>Although it is possible that Laurels in this kingdom didnt take apprentices
>until recent days, I feel that this is unlikely.  In Atenveldt, from whence
>we inherit many of our habits, Laurels have taken apprentices since well
>before 1984.  The same goes for Pelicans and Knights. 

We may be discussing oranges and apples (or at least oranges and
grapefruit) here. It's true that knights have been taking squires (and
using red belts) just about forever. Laurels have been taking apprentices
for about as long. 

It's *my* observation that the green belt/yellow belt notion is
comparatively recent, and not nearly as well-established, at least in
Ansteorra. Other kingdoms' customs may vary.

	-Tivar Moondragon

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