ANST - Re: Joint Bryan's House Visit Invitation

Lyonesse tym3425 at
Tue Nov 4 23:36:10 PST 1997

The Firefall Visit to Bryan's House in conjunction with the shuttle
Desiderata was a great success. We took cupcakes, and treat bags to the
kids, along with Bug Juice (punch made out of orange sherbert and orange
sode with plastic spiders on the ice cream) for the kids to drink. Most of
the people were from Clan Firefall, with only my humble self representing
my poor shuttle (granted my shuttle's membership covers 3 countries,
and has several SCA/Starfeet overlap members who think garb is more 
fun than uniforms any day).We went trick or treating with the younger kids
in the center to the offices. Then we took the older kids to a community
down the street from the center, in conjunction with the staff, to go
trick or treating there, and to hear stories. After returning to the
center, we left among warm hugs and best wishes from the kids, and
adjorned to a nearby coffee shop to gather our wits before heading home.

The kids had great fun, the five of us able to attend had a wonderful
time, and we look forward to returning there soon. 

Anastacia Kurakina
Cmdr. Trishka Makowski

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