ANST - Award recommendation issues..

stddly at stddly at
Fri Oct 10 10:49:55 PDT 1997

From:	MX%"ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG" 10-OCT-1997 08:58:20.01
To:	MX%"ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG"
Subj:	Re: ANST - Award recommendation issues 

Tim Mc Daniel wrote:

/Lorraine wrote:
/> The Ultimate Decision on ALL AWARDS (except the Sable Wreath) IS the CROWN
/1) Non-armigerous awards can be given by baronies without reference to
/the crown.  (There's a possible exception based on kingdom law,
/but there's another reference in Corpora that could be read to
/override that.  In practice, the Crown doesn't give a pile of
/toasted moose doots about non-armigerous baronial awards.)

You're right! Forgot about local non-armigerous. 
There are a few smaller groups who have them too.

/2) The Crown is, according to Corpora, the only people that can
/give armigerous awards.  In practice, Ansteorran baronies can
/have an armigerous award that is essentially given by the baron/ess;
/the Crown (in all cases I've heard of) graciously assents to the choices
/of the baron/ess.

I believe it is actually written in law somewhere.

/3) What is the "Sabe Wreath"?  Is it the "Sable Garland"?  Is it
/                   ^l
/armigerous?  If so, see 2) (tho of course the Crown can graciously
/assent ...)

It is the Sable Garland. I was late for class and mixed up it's real name
(or tentative real name since it was not Registered or the Star even consulted
with on its inception) and what it looks like to me.

Thank you for your clarification of my oversights

Lorraine DeerSlayer
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