ANST - If a tree falls in the woods?

Talen von Marienburg talen at
Mon Oct 13 17:14:22 PDT 1997

On 10/13/97, at 6:30 PM, Ghislaine Fontaneau/Elayne Hoover wrote: 
>>  In response to Ulrica
>Whoo-Hoo!!!!  I agree.  I've been to many events out here in the western
>region--a lot of them seem to be the same exact people, same activities,
>same garb, etc, just at a different site.  It's rather like a family
>reuinion, not just because we've become family, but because it's always
>the same fifty or so people who show up over and over.  Let me tell you;
>people from out-of-region stick out like a sore thumb!
>But just because we don't get a large number of "visitors" doesn't mean
>we don't HAVE A GOOD TIME.  We have a FABULOUS TIME whenever we're
>together.  Some of the most fun I've had at any event in any part of the
>Knowne World has been while in a tent, waiting out the tornado, with all
>my back-home buddies, whom I see all the time, and who are still people
>I look forward to seeing.  
>So ignore those pesky statistics, put the sign-up sheet out of your
>mind, and just worry about having a great event.  So you cooked for 1000
>and only got 100?  Good, more for me to eat.  So there were only three
>fighters in the tourney?  Great, more time to work out senerios.  Or
>maybe just more time for teaching and learning.  Our goal should be
>people, not numbers.  
>But by the same token, I encourage everyone who can travel to TRAVEL! 
>There are a lot of really cool people out there, go find them!  If you
>start driving six, seven, eight hours to make an event, let the autocrat
>know what a great time you are having and invite them to come to your
>next event.  We cannot expect people from out-of-region to come to our
>events if we've never been to one of theirs.  They don't know us, we are
>strangers, why should they drive forever and a day to hang out with
>strangers when they can stay in their own shire and go to weekend
>fighter practice?  I went to a recent event in Bonwicke that was
>attended by a number of Bjornsborgers.  Ever driven from Bjornsborg to
>Bonwicke?  It's a heck of an undertaking--and they did it just because
>someone from Bonwicke had gone to one of their events and made friends.  
>We are all ambasadors for our local groups.  If we wish to promote our
>local group to the rest of the kingdom, we must be able to meet the rest
>of the kingdom half-way.
>Madame Ghislaine Fontanneau 
>elyh at

Very well said!

Who's been to a few Western events and enjoyed them all.  Good Ansteorran
folk, they are!

Centurion Talen Gustaf von Marienburg
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