ANST - New topic
eric mauer
eric.mauer-next at
Thu Sep 4 13:14:07 PDT 1997
>>>>>1: Do you give an opponent choice of weapons? Let's say you are
paired with Joe Newcomer in the first round. What about Sir
Supercool? Do you insist on your favorite? Does it matter if you're
Duke Hotottrot and he has no chance? Does it matter if he's the
As far as I'm concerned, part of our duty as heavy fighters is to
provide an entertaining fight for people watching (esp. those who
we're fighting for). That being the case, I think it's best to chose
a weapon form (or forms) that both parties are comfortable with. I
don't expect Sir Supercool to fight me with glaive (my weapon of
choice), unless he's competant with it. At the same time, I'm not
going to fight him sword and shield (which I DON"T fight normally),
though I might be willing to fight Joe Newcomer in that style (since
his level of competance will probably be closer to mine). I
generally ask "what do you prefer to fight", and go from there. On
the other hand, I've found that fighting a superior fighter in HIS
chosen form is a good way to get a lesson in the form, and I'm
grateful to the members of the Chivalry (notably Sir Kief in single
sword and Duke Michael in glaive) who've taken the opportunity to
extend that lesson off the field.
>>>>2: Do you give a point of honor to your opponent? Arm or leg
him, and would you give up your own? What if he's a superior
fighter? An inferior one? Would you want the same treatment? What
if giving up an advantage *is* an advantage to you? What about
giving an advantage to a less talented person to start the bout?
(ie: fight offhanded against Joe Newcomerin his first tourney) Is
that insulting to the other person? What about accepting an
advantage from a more talented person?<<<
I'll give a point of honor if I think it's appropriate-if the
opponent took a marginal blow, if I've enjoyed their fighting, or
just if I think it will "push" my skills. Again, my criteria if it
makes the "show" better. I see no dishonor in taking a point of
honor from any fighter-it's their choice, and honor to them, just as
it is their choice to not offer. I also am not insulted when
offered the point-the opponent who has done so is generally a better
fighter, and honors me by allowing me to have a better chance of
>>>3.Do you *try* to win every bout? Give 110%? Maybe only 75%? Does
it dishonor your opponent (or yourself) to *not* try to the
greatest of your ability? Is it ok to "throw" a bout? What if the
person is very deserving of victory? What if they are new? Or your
I try to win every bout, but the risks I take (trying something
"neat", or new, or flashy) vary depending on the opponent. I'll take
risks against our proverbial Joe Newcomer (giving him the chance to
capitalize and win), that I wouldn't take against Sir Sopercool
(who I KNOW will capitalize on them...) There are sometimes bouts,
though, where I don't CARE who wins, the fighting itself is so
enjoyable, and those are the reason I fight. I like to be able to
rejoice in the killing blow, no matter who gave it. The only time I
"throw" a bout is when I'm training someone-at that point, I'm
pushing THEIR limits, not mine, and I want them to succeed and land
that killing shot if they're doing what I'm trying to train them to
>>>>>4. Now to the odd one... Is it honorable to *want * to win?
("huh?")I mean, everyone wants to win,(and have fun) but where do
you draw the line? No one thinks it is a "good thing"(tm) to take
*unfair* advantage of your most noble opponent, but how you answer
the first three points determines what you feel is a fair or an
unfair advantage, and leads to your personal choice of "how bad do I
want to win?". From insisting on a specific weapons style to
refusing to call blows is a VERY wide spectrum of "want". Do you
want to win enough to change your view on points 1,2, or 3? If it's
the tourney of the Canton of Wayoutthere? If it's your local
group's event? If it's Crown?<<<<
I want to win if I can honorably and skillfully do so. That means,
given that I have done all I can to make it a good, fair fight that
is fun to watch, I will do my best to be the one standing at the
end. Where and what the tourney is doesn't matter-I fight for the
joy of it, not the cookies.
Alaric Styrr
called TuhTahl of the Moritu
(who's still a little iffy on this whole Tourney thing....but
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