ANST - New noncombat topic
Patrick St. Jean
psj at
Fri Sep 5 07:57:13 PDT 1997
On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 Mjccmc01 at wrote:
> Should Laurels compete in A&S competitions? At the Steppes Artisan before
> the most recent one, a Laurel did compete and win, leading to much comment.
> What is the general sentiment on this subject?
Well, this is just my opinion, but... Isn't asking this like asking if
an actor that has won an Oscar(tm) should be eligable to win another? I
know, that the peerage isn't a prize, but I take the blame for not being
able to come up with a better example. It seems to me that as in the
example of the actors, that the BEST work is chosen. Yes, a truly
spectacular artist may have a "run", but there's always something new and
fresh aching to come in and break the streak...
It seems to me that not allowing someone to compete because they "make
everyone else look bad" or "they always win" will just lead to more sour
grapes. If you see a Laurel win, why not talk to them and learn from
them? They're obviously doing something right :)
Peace Gentles,
PS: Is anyone here going to be attending Stargate's 25th this weekend?
| Patrick St. Jean '97 XLH 883 psj at |
| Programmer & Systems Administrator +1 713-977-4177 x106 |
| Larson Software Technology |
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