ANST - New noncombat topic
Gregory R. Gagnon
cian at
Fri Sep 5 12:47:53 PDT 1997
>Hello from Siobhan.
>I've been reading the "honor and chivalry on the field" with great
>and it sparked a couple of non-martial questions. (Besides, the list has
>been pretty combat dominated lately, and I get plenty of this at home.)
Combat or dominated? ;-} Enquiring minds want to know. (Yes, it's
>Should Laurels compete in A&ed.lS competitions? At the Steppes Artisan
>the most recent one, a Laurel did compete and win, leading to much comment.
> What is the general sentiment on this subject?
Why not? Knights still fight in Tourneys. If there are exceptions (as in a
non-belted tourney) that is OK too. In Champion's contests the idea is
generally to find the _best_ representative for a group, not the best
non-belted/laureled one. (Unless specifically stated).
>Also, how do the requirements of honor and chivalry translate into
>competitions, or do they? In an A&tionS competition, exactly who is your
>"opponent," others with entries in the same categories, or, as some recent
>discussions seem to indicate, the person judging the entry?
As near as I can tell you are your primary competition in any contest. I
like wwinning as measured externally, but am more concerned with my internal
measure. I will tell any opponent to asks what I do well and what I don't.
It is up to them to translate that into action. If I were more involved in
A & S I can't imagine it would be much different.
>Hoping to spark some less warlike discussions, I am,
Fighting, dancing, history and philosophy. Don't _get_ me started.
Viscount Cian Conor Mac Quaid, KSCA
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