ANST - New noncombat topic
Gregory R. Gagnon
cian at
Fri Sep 5 12:59:25 PDT 1997
>So it seems to me that we are in a sort of Catch-22. If we compete, people
>are upset because we are unfair. If we don't compete, we are perceived as
>"inactive" or not up with the current standard.
>So, given that some people are going to be unhappy no matter what happens,
>what are some suggestions for how to deal with this? I've discussed it
>other Laurels, but I think commentary from those outside the circle would
You are right. No matter _what_ you do someone will be unhappy with it.
That is true in every aspect of life. People will be unhappy with what you
do if you succeed or if you fail. Do what _you_ think is right, and do it
the right way. I may or may not agree with your choice, but I try to be
cautious of criticizing other people's choices, though I have been known to
be critical of either their (perceived) intent or their results. You are
ultimately responsible for all of your actions or non-actions. We do not
live in a vacuum, but nobody else is going to pay your entry at the Pearly
Gates/Gates of Paradise/etc.
>Looking forward to comments,
Viscount Cian Conor MacQuaid, KSCA
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