ANST - New noncombat topic
camlewis at
Fri Sep 5 14:42:26 PDT 1997
Alrek here, writing on my own account and not Kief's
Mjccmc01 at wrote:
> Should Laurels compete in A&S competitions? At the Steppes Artisan before
> the most recent one, a Laurel did compete and win, leading to much comment.
I do not believe that Laurels should be included in the competition if
it is in their major area of study. Fortunately for us, in Ansteorra, a
good majority of Laurels are well versed in MANY fields of A&S which
kills my former opinion. What if a laurel's work would be on display in
the same field so the other entrants could compare their work to the
Laurels work. Then again Knights get to compeat in the lists against
all other combatants, so why should Laurels be penalized for being a
peer. If that was the case Laurels could just stop doing any art
because it would never be judged after they were made a Laurel...not
something any of them would do, that is why they are Laurels.
> Also, how do the requirements of honor and chivalry translate into non-combat
> competitions, or do they?
You would never screw a piece of art up to let someone else win a
competition, and you would never even think of entering a piece of work
that was not done to your full ability.
In an A&S competition, exactly who is your
> "opponent," others with entries in the same categories, or, as some recent
> discussions seem to indicate, the person judging the entry?
I do not believe that A$S judging should be done by one
should be done by at least three, or, after being shown the criteria,by
the entrants themselves, we are still practicing Honor aren't we? If
the entrants cannot decide then go to an outside judge. If Laurels are
involved IN the competition then they can give the others an educated
opinion on their work and the work of the other entrants. You would not
slam someone else so hard if they could do the same to you, you might
think of a way to positively critique their work so they would offer you
the same courtesy, it is still all about honor.
> Hoping to spark some less warlike discussions, I am,
Just a two cent Bun
Alrek Kanin pat.pend
Art teacher in another life
P.S. by the way don't Laurels compeat in bardic competitions?
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