ANST - Gothic War
Martha Lee Nichols
mnichols at
Sat Sep 6 21:48:00 PDT 1997
Your concerns have been our concerns this summer. We had originally
planned to make improvements to the land (permanent water supply, showers,
outhouses, roads, etc. We were willing to donate our labor to accomplish
this. However, the landowner reneigweed a month before the event. Also,
the mowing was not done as promised (we had intentions of putting the
plowed area in the grass program). So, nex year it'll be in an RV park.
Marthe de Blenkinsop
On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 Bethor2000 at wrote:
> Frank the newbie was last spotted licking his wounds on the doorstep of his
> apartment where I dropped him on Sunday afternoon. But seriously, we all had
> a great time at Gothic; my only suggestion(s) for next year's Gothic:
> 1. Please disc (the fighting area of ) the sunflower field more than once.
> 2. Arrange for running water.
> But hey, at least we didnt get the rain from hell , of three years ago!
> Our next war event we travel to - Crusade of Three Kings!
> See ya there,
> Alton
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