ANST - Ideas for a new style A&S c
joelight at
Sun Sep 7 18:00:48 PDT 1997
Unfortunately, the event I was referring to happened only two months ago.
However, I am glad that you are trying, as a group, to work on it. I know
that when we put many differing backgrounds and opinions together that it
is difficult to come to any kind of consensus. I think it would be helpful
to have a spot on the entry form where you can list people who might be at
the event who have experience working in the same field as your piece.
Then the Laurels/judges could consult and, not only be better judges, but
learn something, too!
> From: STASYAD at
> To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
> Subject: Re: ANST - Ideas for a new style A&S c
> Date: Sunday, September 07, 1997 6:31 PM
> I would like to replay to the A & S competition complaints. If you
> displayed in the last two years you may want to try it again. The
> have been working very hard to correct situations where the judging has
> been constructive. Every competition I have been to in the last year and
> half the judges have been required to sign their name to any critique
> they write. We are trying very hard to phase everything in a positive
> If we find out about judges who leave bloody footprints we go to the
> offending person and have a serious discussion on judging techniques.
> last two Kingdom A & S competions have been were your item was judged on
> own merrits not against the next guy piece. We have seriously been
> to promote a better feel about the A & S competitions. Seriously Laurels
> human too. We are not perfect. Contrary to popular belief we don't know
> everything about every subject. Sometimes a entry gets bypassed because
> don't know a thing about that art form and we hope the next judge does.
> know if I am running the competition I will go back through to make sure
> every item has at least some feed back on it. My belief is I try never
> write anything on a form that I would be upset if it was written on my
> judging sheet. I have received some of those nasty forms back myself and
> don't ever want to see anyone receive them. We have lost too many
> artist to critizisium that was malicious not constructive.
> Seriously try A & S again we are trying very hard to be fair to all the
> artists. You deserve a fair and honest evalutation for your effort and
> bravery in entering a piece that you invested with your self.
> In service to the dream,
> Mistress Anastassia Mikailovna Donskoi
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