ANST - New noncombat topic
Lord Larkin O'Kane
larkin at
Mon Sep 8 09:16:29 PDT 1997
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997 10:30:24 -0500, "Mitchell-CON, Paul T"
<MitchellPT at IMC7.EMS.LMCO.COM> wrote:
<:Sorry Gunner, I don't buy it. We're either choosing the best man on
<:given day, or we're not. Which is it?
We're not Galen. If we wish to choose the best man on a given day
then we play round robin and the one with the most victories wins. In
a double elimination tourney your squire could conceivable win in a
tourney in which you, Mikael, Inman and Kein were participants.
Provided that in the draws Inman, Kein and Mikael were eliminated
before her having to face them. Far fetched? You bet. Impossible? Not
on your tin hat :) But in a round robin tourney. it would be much,
much more unlikely.
Larkin-who would be happy to get one kill before being eliminated.
"It is indeed a small mind that can only think of one way
to spell a word."
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