ANST - stained glass info
joelight at
Mon Sep 8 18:10:53 PDT 1997
Lots of questions. There are several of us here who have been working for
several years to learn. Mostly self-taught and researched. Lady Zoe of
Blacklake and I taught a basic class at the last A&S college out here.
Mainly how to set yourself up with gear and a look at simple leading
techniques. Had a blast and could have run the class all day instead of
the two hour slot we were given. We have people skipping feast and coming
back begging for more. It is a truly unique art form. We would love to
have someone come out and give us more info. (We'll even buy chocolate!!!)
> From: MstrssMara at
> To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
> Subject: Re: ANST - stained glass info
> Date: Monday, September 08, 1997 1:23 PM
> Hey there,
> Mara here.......
> > "Stained Glass - An Illustrated History" by Sarah Brown. 1992, Cresent
> > Books. ISBN 0-517-06967-9.
> Its a very good book. lots of good picts of period windows. If anyone
> any questions at all on stained glass please, please, please let me know!
> would be more than happy to assit anyone who needs it!
> Mara
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