ANST - A&S commentary

Dennis Grace amazing at
Mon Sep 8 20:18:41 PDT 1997

Aquilanne here.

Mari wrote:
>Why Gunnora, what an interesting challenge you've set forth.  I think I'll
>take a stab at it (though I may be showing my hand, so to speak, should
>this exact situation ever arise.)
>On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Gunnora Hallakarva wrote:
>> Let's say, for example, M'lady Bright-eyed has laboriously sculpted a
>> representation of the queen using cow manure as a medium. You know it's the
>> queen only because she says it is on the label.  You look at this sculpture
>> and see, well, a pile of cow dung, and in more ways than one.  Just
>> starting from the top of the list, there is zero aethetic appeal as it is a
>> shapeless blob, no utility (who wants a cow manure statue unless to
>> fertilize their garden?), as far as I am aware no one in the Middle Ages
>> used cow dung in this manner, and moreover the normal medium for scupture
>> was clay for models which eventually were made in final version in stone or
>> bronze.  In short, the horrified judge can find nothing good at all to say
>> about this entry.  
>OK, how about:
>1)  What an interesting use of a very period material!  Have you thought
>about trying your hand at clay?

I really liked one offered by Mst. Elyramere. "It looks like you really
enjoyed working on this project." It's been my favorite so far.

Then there's always "How original! How might this have been used in period?"

Or "Cow dung looks to be a challenging medium to work with. What other
media do you work in or plan on working with in the future?"

Or "What an interesting conceptual piece."

Or "Have you thought of applying for NEA endowment to further your work in
this area?" ( Sorry 'bout that one ;-> )


Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytvylus & warrior crone
amazing at

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