ANST - Why A&S Gets Ignored

Kateryn Heathrydge heatherford.manor at
Mon Sep 8 18:19:32 PDT 1997

On Mon, 08 Sep 1997 17:39:31 -0500 Gunnora Hallakarva <gunnora at>
(snipping to the point)
>A few issues back in T.I., I saw a suggestion that judges should not 
>themselves to give one negative comment unles they have offered 4 or 5 
>or 6
>positive comments first.   I have heard it  suggested that judges 
>use the "ham sandwich" school of judging, where your critique consists 
>fluffy white stuff, a very thin little slice of meat, and then more 
>white stuff.  But what do you do when there are NO redeeming qualities
>other than the fact that you have an enthusiastic artisan?  I'd like 
>hear wat judges and or Laurels have to say, but I'd also really like 
>hear from the artisans... what would you want a judge to say to you if 
>you had displayed was really, really bad?  
As a musician and teacher, this is my tact:

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, and that you tried.  However....." and go
on with research and primary sources.

My wisest mentor taught me to *always* start with something positive,
then follow with that which requires the most work.

As a performer/crafter, I think know every flaw in my work, believe me. 
It's very nice to kow I did *something* right (galloping perfectionist
here) before you show me the flaws I know about and any I might of
missed, especially the later.  

2 pfennig.

Kateryn Heathrydge
coming soon to a school district near you?


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