ANST - A&S event design
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
amazing at
Mon Sep 8 21:43:12 PDT 1997
At 02:28 PM 9/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Siobhan here again.
>However, in our imperfect world, sometimes that just doesn't happen, and the
>reason is often due to lack of judges or time. <snip> Perhaps the past
>artisans could meet and discuss possible ways to handle this growth.
I think this is the key--"discuss possible ways to handle this growth." The
scenario you describe regarding "40 [or] 15 research papers to read in 8
hours," and "evaluation from someone who's surviving on 3 hours of sleep
and a billion milligrams of caffeine" describes a situation created by
inadequate event-design. No disrespect for anyone intended here; best laid
plans and all that. However, we *can* design A&S events where most folks'
needs and expectations can be met, and the experience--as much work as it
may be--kept a postive one. Requiring research papers to be submitted by a
deadline well in advance of the event itself is one of the best things I've
seen, along with Mari's suggestion of an on-site moderator who makes sure
the judging is running smoothly (kudos for a very creative suggestion).
And, yes, bring in the Irises; bring in folks known for their expertise in
an area who may just not have been in the SCA long enough for the proper
recognition to come their way yet. Develop some well-crafted criteria
standards and hold judging classes at A&S events *all year long* to make
sure there is a bountiful crop of judges to glean from. Also, how about
active advance recruitment of Laurels/judges? How about making an
opportunity to judge attractive? Offer some sort of incentive (maybe we get
our own private bellydancers who will peel our grapes for us later, after
the judging? ;-> ).
How about it? Any other suggestions on how to design an A&S event that runs
Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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