ANST - Whips in the SCA????
LdAlexndr at
LdAlexndr at
Tue Sep 9 17:21:00 PDT 1997
Fionnagain here again....
Recently, a response concerning my "Whips in the SCA?" question came from
Amra, who , concerning my comment on the braided single-tail whip being post
1600, wrote...
>I doubt very much that *this* contention is either provable, or correct.
>If the claim is made based upon a particular source, what is the
> reliability of that source -- and what other conflicting sources may
> also be cited?
I recieved this info from David Morgan, author of "Whips and Whipmaking",
the only comprehensive volume on the subject, according to the Library of
Congress. However, he will be the first to state that the facts of whip
history are only so much guess-work prior to 1690.
>Braided leather was used as a covering for many, many less
>flexible or less abrasion-resistant or otherwise ungainly
>items. Consider the built-up handles of hair-based flywhisks!
>Examples of braid overlays I have seen in modern replicas
>and also in photographs of grave goods / anthropological
>excavations: as a protective cover and to provide a useful
>grip for assorted pottery / carry baskets,
>to improve the grip area of a smooth item,
>and for insulative purposes (tong handles, firebrand grips).
> Beyond these, cordage constructed entirely of braided leather
> is a very common grave find in many cultures. A cluster of
> thongs individually is are weak, as a group are hard to control,
>yet braided are strong and quite durable.
Very impressive. I agree with you for the most part, but the fact remains
that prior to the 1600's single-tail whips were made of either twisted
material ( to include wood ) or were constructed of strips of leather bound
in a bolster of leather. No braided single-tail whips, made with underbelly
and fall, have so far been found dating back that far.
>While _one_ particular source for the "snake", or single-lash
> bullwhip, might be traced reliably, I do not believe that this is
>an implement with only a single origin. Too many different
> cultures developed and used variations upon the lasso,
>pole-noose, and bolas for me to easily believe that there
>were no braided leather whips prior to 1600CE.
What you believe is very sensible, and most would agree with you. I do. I
hope a braided whip from period is found soon, I'm sure they existed as well.
Until proof is forth-coming, however....
>Besides which, what of horsehair or other types of braided
>materials from which a single lash may be formed?
Apparently, other materials were used, leather is in question here. You also
> I am strongly in favor of safety in whip demonstrations being
> improved, and in light of certain recently received information
> must also suggest that inappropriate use may be actionable
>(could be seen as assault with a weapon). For everyone's
>sake, people, NO HUMAN TARGETS -- not even "in fun".
Ah! We see eye-to-eye ......However. I wrap and cut targets from assistants
who have agreed to do so, and only after a total understanding of the whip's
potential has been reached. I am going to limit this to a signed waiver
system, thanks to your convictions.
>As a potential competition, I can think of a number of
>possible sub-events: accuracy, speed, sound production,
>"modified biathlon" obstacle courses, and so forth. SAFE
>events, compared to some yahoo deciding to try an
>impromptu whip-crack in the middle of a crowded
>merchant area....
Whip competitions are based on accuracy, multiple-cracking, double-handed
work, knowledge of the basic and advanced lashes, and entertainment value.
You might want to explain this "biatholon" idea, sounds interesting. Sound
production is a BAD idea. This gets people to yanking back on their whips,
altering the taper, and possibly hurting themselves. A properly thrown whip
will crack better then most suspect, especially if it's made well.
Thank you for the response. I look forward to hearing more..
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