ANST - Whips in the SCA????
KiheBard at
KiheBard at
Thu Sep 11 21:59:39 PDT 1997
In a message dated 97-09-10 05:21:52 EDT, you write:
> You might want to explain this "biatholon" idea, sounds interesting.
Modern Olympic ski biathlon combines cross-country skiing and
rifle marksmanship (simulating military mountain troop or hunting
training as an athletic event).
I envisioned this initially as a combination foot-race and target
accuracy event, conducted over a mild obstacle course.
On the "human target" aspects: for controlled demos, the signed
waiver / informed consent might prove workable. Would it not
prove safer in the long term to develop a whipmaster's equivalent
of the quintain, with bulldog clips or similar constructs to hold
paper targets?
Just some additional thoughts.
(And I will continue to search for pre-1600 examples of braid,
in either preserved artifacts, archeological finds, or descriptives.
We've had one other person -- apologies, name has already
escaped my cheese-for-brain -- who noted the nomadic
invaders using whips in warfare around turn of the last
millenium. I remain hopeful...)
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