ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
Mitchell, Paul (DALLAS)
Mitchell at
Wed Sep 17 13:12:00 PDT 1997
Galen of Bristol, posting from his new work e-mail address,
now provides wholly unsatisfactory answers to Lyonel's
Lyonel asks:
<background snipped>
>(1) I--being to cheap to purchase my own hardcopy--was working from
>de la Mare's online publication of Kingdom Law, which does not include
>prefatory matter or disclaimers. Did the 1994 Publication of
>Kingdom Law include a disclaimer or introductory claim superseding
I don't have my copy handy, but I believe it did. Certainly, it should
Did it not at least end with something like "These then are the Laws
of the Kingdom of Ansteorra..." (which to me implies that anything
earlier is superseded)?
>(2) If not, aren't the previous publications of Kingdom Law (except in
>cases of clear conflict, where the newer law--I think--would have to
>still more-or-less in effect?
I wouldn't have said so. Carefully there, you may find that the book of
published by Sigmund II (in 1983, I think) which instituted a Curia are
still in effect.
>(3) Does the Kingdom Seneschale's Handbook specify that the publication
>a body of Kingdom law supersedes everything it needs to supersede?
I really doubt that.
>(4) If not, how many other obscure Laws are hiding away in old issues
>the Black Star waiting to jump out and bite us in our collective
Probably quite a few, but Ansteorrans have a long history of rhinohiding
when faced with legal ambushes of this sort. Let them strike, let them
we just won't call the blow.
Now, as to the matter of regalia, I believe that the only way to view
issues as having been incorporated into law would be if one viewed
the policies of the herald's office as having the force of law. I
believe that
only the Star Principal Herald has ever issued any comprehensive
guidance in Ansteorra in matters of belts, coronets, or what have you.
As to the 1988 coronet guideline, I was a noble here at the time, and
I recall that it was issued not by the Crown, but by Lord Star, whom I
believe was then Da'ud ibn Auda.
I would point out, in this context, that the overwhelming majority of
revisions I've seen and participated in were for the purpose of bringing
law into conformity with practice, rather than to change practice.
- Galen of Bristol
who used to be something of an SCA law maven, but
who lately can't find much about SCA laws to rouse
himself over.
pmitchel at (hm)
mitchell at (wk) NEW!
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