ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
Pug Bainter
pug at
Thu Sep 18 05:35:30 PDT 1997
> I don't have my copy handy, but I believe it did. Certainly, it should have.
It does not include a direct statement to this effect. Even in the new
Draft Kingdom Law. Unfortunately this missed my attention when I was
proofing it and I'll be sending it off to Artorius and Burke that it
should be directly included in Kingdom Law.
> Did it not at least end with something like "These then are the Laws
> of the Kingdom of Ansteorra..." (which to me implies that anything
> earlier is superseded)?
The words are:
These are the Laws of the Kingdom of Ansteorra, keeping to the
tradition of the laws created by Jonathon De Laufyson Macebearer and
Willow de Wisp, issued by Lloyd von Eaker and Joselyn Allyne Reynard,
and maintained by all the noble Crowns of Ansteorra.
That is very grey due to the inclusion of the ability to publish in
other venues such as the BlackStar and Kingdom Officer handbooks.
> Now, as to the matter of regalia, I believe that the only way to view regalia
> issues as having been incorporated into law would be if one viewed
> the policies of the herald's office as having the force of law. I believe that
> only the Star Principal Herald has ever issued any comprehensive
> guidance in Ansteorra in matters of belts, coronets, or what have you.
II 5 e
The Star Principal Herald shall be responsible for the establishment
of guidelines for and approval of all insignia rank applying to all
armigerous and non-armigerous titles, ennoblement's, grants, awards,
etc., within the Kingdom.
Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something
Barony of Bryn Gwlad | graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with
House Flaming Dog | vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at | beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
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