ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
stddly at
stddly at
Wed Sep 17 14:53:53 PDT 1997
Heilsa my Right Honorable Brother Lyonel...!
>Lyonel aisai.
>I have a question or three on Ansteorran Kingdom Law. Lemme give you some
>background so's this'll all make more sense:
>-Sir Dieterich said Someone Else had claimed to have a copy of the 1988
>BlackStar in which the then-Sovereign statutorily delineated and delimited
>the appearance of certain Ansteorran coronets. <snip> In fact, the most recent publication of the body of
>Ansteorran Kingdom Law does not appear to address sumptuary laws in any form.
The Sumptuary Laws of Ansteorra, all one to two pages of them, are published in
the Herald's Handbook. And, like noted below, are approved upon being signed by
all necessary parties...
>So, here's the dilemma. If the 1994 publication of Kingdom law contains a
>statement to the effect that "the following collection of stuff is
>Ansteorran Kingdom law as of this XX day of YYY, 1994 and henceforth, nunc
>et in futura, supersedes all previous versions," then the 1988 statutory
>change is null, void, noid. If the 1994 publication of Kingdom Law did
>*not* include such a disclaimer, we have other problems. As far as I can
>tell, neither Corpora nor Ansteorran Kingdom Law requires explicitly or
>implicitly that publication of a body of Kingdom Law supersedes previously
>published laws. Corpora says only:
The problem is soon to be moot. There is a new "draft" copy of Kingdom Law
being considered even as we all write these words. Check with your local
seneschal and/or Territorial Baron/Baronesses to view a copy. As soon as the
"new" Kingodm Law is published all previous editions _should_ be null and void.
Note that I said "should"...
>As far as I can see (says F. Lyonel Bailey, the Bar Room Lawyer), nothing
>in these documents states or implies that a new publication of the body of
>Kingdom Law automatically superannuates laws omitted from or otherwise not
>specifically addressed in that publication.
>To complicate matters further, Ansteorran Kingdom Law (like most kingdoms'
>laws) has a number of hydra-like extensions already. As noted in Article II:
>"II.3.p. Kingdom Officers are authorized to issue handbooks or policy
>manuals, detailing procedures and policies for their areas of
>responsibility. In the event that a Kingdom officer's handbook so
>specifies, and it is countersigned by the Kingdom Officer, the Kingdom
>Seneschal, and the Crown, the provisions of that handbook are hereby
>i>ncorporated as a part of kingdom law."
>So any disclaimer or statment of superannuation would have to specifically
>exclude the G.O.o.S handbooks, n'est-ce pas?
Correct. The usual course is to have the various G.O.o.S. either issue a "new"
Handbook or resubmit the old one if no changes are needed.
>So, here's my remaining questions.
>(1) Did the 1994 Publication of Ansteorran Kingdom Law include a disclaimer
>or introductory claim superseding anything?
Unknown by me...
>(2) If not, aren't the previous publications of Kingdom Law (except in
>cases of clear conflict, where the newer law--I think--would have to apply)
>still more-or-less in effect?
It would look that way as long as the older guidelines were not specifically
>(3) Does the Kingdom Seneschale's Handbook specify that the publication of
>a body of Kingdom law supersedes everything it needs to supersede?
Again, unknown by me...
>(4) If not, how many other obscure Laws are hiding away in old issues of
>the Black Star waiting to jump out and bite us in our collective donkeys?
There are, to be sure, a possibility of several obscure Laws lurking in the
wings, so to speak... Still, Ansteorran Law looks to be less convoluted than
many other Kingdom's Law structure.
If, in my ignorance I've missed the point of this discussion, this letter was
originally written concerning Coronets and Sumptuary Law. All existing coronet
styles dated before the original sumptuary law in Ansteorra are
"grandfathered". All "foreign" coronets are _not_ effected. The Kingdom of
origin's Sumptuary Law holds sway.
>Avec many thanks to anyone who can shed some light, je reste
>lo vostre por vos servir
>Sir Lyonel Kill-All-The-Lawyers Grace
Wael Thu Hael kinsman...
Sir Kief (Don't-Kill-All-The-Lawyers-They-Might-Turn-On-Us-Next!) av Kiersted
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