ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
amazing at
Wed Sep 17 18:41:56 PDT 1997
Salut, Cozyns,
Lyonel aisai.
Sir Kief supplied some information including:
>The Sumptuary Laws of Ansteorra, all one to two pages of them, are
published in
>the Herald's Handbook. And, like noted below, are approved upon being
signed by
>all necessary parties...
I'd be interested in seeing this critter (the sumptuary section, not the
whole book), if at all possible. No specific purpose here, y'understand;
I'm just nosy.
>The problem is soon to be moot. There is a new "draft" copy of Kingdom Law
>being considered even as we all write these words. Check with your local
>seneschal and/or Territorial Baron/Baronesses to view a copy. As soon as the
>"new" Kingodm Law is published all previous editions _should_ be null and
>Note that I said "should"...
I hope you will not think me unkind in finding humor in this, meu frai, but
every kingdom in the Knowne World always seems to have a new copy of
Kingdom Law that's almost ready for publication. Also, as Lady Oriana
noted, laws not specifically repealed or superseded are still active,
according to Corpora. As Sir Galen of Bristol noted, this could mean that
Ansteorra's supposed to have a Curia. Whoa.
>If, in my ignorance I've missed the point of this discussion, this letter was
>originally written concerning Coronets and Sumptuary Law. All existing
>styles dated before the original sumptuary law in Ansteorra are
>"grandfathered". All "foreign" coronets are _not_ effected. The Kingdom of
>origin's Sumptuary Law holds sway.
Sorry, meu frai, no point to speak of. Just making conversation. I
certainly wasn't concerned about my CFO (Coronet of Foreign Origin). I
believe our pre-Ritter brother
O-Dear-Lord-in-just-three-more-days-it'll-be-*Sir* Dieterich, was simply
interested in finding out how much of Ansteorra's sumptuary custom has
actually been written into law
lo vostre por vos servir
Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace
Dennis Grace
University of Texas at Austin
English Department
Recovering Medievalist
mailto:amazing at
Micel yfel deth se unwritere.
AElfric of York
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