ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
Burke McCrory
bmccrory at
Thu Sep 18 08:03:24 PDT 1997
At 03:04 AM 9/18/97 EST, you wrote:
>Heilsa all Right and Good Ansteorrans...
>Kief here...pondering as I write from HL Lorraine's account.
>>Dottie Elliott wrote:
>>> There are evidently any number of kingdom laws hidden in various
>>> handbooks including the seneschal, treasurer's and hearlds.
>>> I do NOT believe kingdom laws belong in officer handbooks. Laws belong
>>> where they are EASILY seen by all (ie the Kingdom Laws booklet).
>>> Officer handbooks should contain information on how the laws affect that
>>> officer and how the officer should do their job.
>>> Baroness Clarissa di Firenze
>>> Seneschal, Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Kingdom of Ansteorra
>>Having been bitten by this in the past, I heartily agree. Now, how do
>>we go about consolidating all the bits into one place and keeping them
>Excellent question! How about writing the Crown and the Kingdom Seneschal and
>requesting that all of Kingdom Law be put into one "book".
>Of course, you need to know that the _Marshal's Handbook_ in it's entirety is
>part of Kingdom Law... So, how do we fund the publication and mailing of this
>tome? One of the reasons that KL is "scattered" about in different
>is that much of the information is of limited interest to the community at
>large. Hmmmm...why not have a list published in the _Black Star_ and in the
>"general issue" of Kingdom Law of all the different "locations" of the
>of KL... Then folk that are interested in the different parts can order them
>from the Kingdom Stock Clerk... This would allow the publication of the main
>body of KL and the general mailing of same, and let everyone get the
>specialized segments as their interests dictate.
>Food for thought...
>Wael Thu Hael kinfolk
>Sir Kief
We are talking about that very problem, as of now the only handbooks that
I know are a part of Kingdom Law are the Marshal's Handbook (signed by TRM,
Kingdom Earl Marshel, and Kingdom Seneschal two Gulf Wars Ago) and the
Seneschal's handbook (signed by TRM and Kingdom seneschal during Sir
Fredrick's tenure). Kingdom Law provides that officers Handbooks are a
part of Kingdom Law if signed by TRM, the Kingdom Seneschal, and the
appropriate issuing officer. The way it has worked in past is that the
total body of Kingdom Law consists of two separate groups, one is the body
of general laws (my term) which is published in the "Kingdom Law" book and
the Operational Law (again my term) which includes the officers handbooks
that are submitted and approved. So if you change a handbook (and get it
approved) or the "Kingdow Law book" it only affects those sections. We are
looking to fix some of these problems by including a general operational
policy section in the new kingdom law. As to a statement there will be a
supercedes all previous copies of Kingdom Law statement in the final
version (I didn't put it in the draft because it is just a draft). The
question of kingdom law being published and mailed to all member with
respect to officers handbooks is an interesting one, I will be looking into
Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for Ansteorra
mka Burke McCrory
email: burkemc at
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