ANST - Farewell
Richard L. Rohde
talen at
Thu Sep 18 10:46:32 PDT 1997
Vivat! This quest of His Grace Stephan is most admirable, and reflects
the greatness of Chivalry!
We have recently formed a Tournament Company to encourage more period
tournaments, attire and chivalry. Our first Pas d'Armes is scheduled
for Tuesday, September 30th as part of Mooneschadowe's fifth meeting
We, the Company of the Sun, wish to dedicate this Pas d'Armes to the
memory of His Excellency Master William Blackfox, who's presence
inspired several people to join the SCA back in 1978 and eventually
establish what is today the Shire of Mooneschadowe, founded in 1979.
Our shire would not be what we are today without William Blackfox.
We challenge all who wish to enter in a Passage of Arms honoring Master
William Blackfox to make themselves known on the torchlit field of Lady
Gilyan's Manor at the hour of 8:30 p.m. on the Feast of Saint Jerome,
being the thirtieth day of September. Three of our number will stand
against all comers, fighting not for the baser aspect of victory, but
for the nobler aspect of honor. Come and join us as we honor a noble
gentleman, His Excellency Master William Blackfox.
Herr Talen Gustaf von Marienburg, Centurion
Grand Marshal of the Company of the Sun
Steward of the Pas d'Armes of William Blackfox
In Omnia Nobilis
talen at
-----Original Message-----
From: by way of Burke McCrory <burkemc at>
[SMTP:Bellatrix2 at]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 1997 6:38 PM
To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject: ANST - Farewell
Greetings From House Bellatrix,
I am writing this in response to the sad news we received about
William Blackfox. We are all deeply sadened by this deep loss to the
Society. I truly am saddened because of my occassional involvement
with him
and because of me transitional citizenship of Ansteorra. Please know
the Bellatrix family shares your grief and would like to bib this most
gracious individual a farewell. To honor a man whos greatness needs no
of description I pledge to fight 100 challenges in the name of Blackfox
will send an accounting of the battles. i do this to spread the name
Blackfox. Pleae send word to us should his family need something we
In Service to the Dream
Sir Stephan
Second Duke of Bellatrix
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