ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Martha Lee Nichols
mnichols at
Mon Sep 22 19:08:56 PDT 1997
I would love to have been there. I had dragon problems which confined me
at home.
Marthe de Blenkinsop
On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Pug Bainter wrote:
> Good Morning,
> This weekend I noticed something during court that was *very* shocking
> to me. I wonder if this is something unusual or signs of a serious
> problem.
> While at Raven's Fort, the Order of the Pelican was called into court
> in order to announce the upcoming peerages of two deserving
> individuals. The disturbing part for me was the fact that there was
> not a single member of the Order present in court. (I honestly couldn't
> tell you how many were at the event, but I know there was one there
> earlier in the day since they spoke for Dieter during his Knighting
> ceremony.)
> Can the Order of the Pelican be so small that at such an event, with
> the assumed preknowledge that there would be announcements, (I assume
> that the Order knew that Viscount Galen would be announced since his
> vigil is this coming weekend.) that none could be present for it? I
> honestly don't know how many members of the Order there are, nor how
> many are active, but this seems to be a truly sad state for our Society.
> Is the problem that they were all still working through court?
> Is the problem that there are so few members of the Order?
> If so, why? Lack of enough people doing the hard work? Lack of
> peerage qualities? Too high of standards for this Order and not the
> others? (The Knights and Laurels seem to number in the millions at
> times. *wink*)
> This is something that deeply disturbed me since the Order of the
> Pelican is the Order that shows others that the giving of service is
> truly something to enjoy. If the Order is dieing (which is what 0 in
> attendance at such announcements indicates to me), than the Society, at
> least in Ansteorra, is truly in trouble.
> I apologize if this is a little too drastic of a viewpoint, but it
> truly concerned and disconcerted me.
> Ciao,
> --
> Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something
> Barony of Bryn Gwlad | graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with
> House Flaming Dog | vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
> pug at | beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
> ============================================================================
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