ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Dottie Elliott
macdj at
Tue Sep 23 09:29:15 PDT 1997
I think the problem is simply that there are so few active Pelicans that
it is easy to see why they weren't available during a late court. If the
last 2 Pelican circles are any indication, there are 10-15 Pelicans that
regularly show up for circles and therefore are probably the most active
in the Kingdom (at least in this area). If you compare that to the
dozens and dozens active as Laurels and Knights in this area alone, its
obvious that its more likely to have these 2 orders represented than the
Pelican order. I have observed that it is always harder to become a
Pelican that any other of the peerages whether living in Atlantia, the
East or here. However, here it does seem to be extraordinarily hard or is
it there are few people actually doing service?? (hard to believe)
Perhaps its just that with so few active Pelicans, they just aren't able
to see the excellent service being done around the kingdom? Or perhaps
the perception among the populace is "Its almost impossible to become a
Pelican" and thus folks just aren't being recommended anymore?
I don't know the answer. I am not a Pelican and do not know what
standards they require for admittance. It just seems sad to me that it
is such a small group when service is so important to the society.
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