ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Lenny Zimmermann
zarlor at
Tue Sep 23 10:04:43 PDT 1997
On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 09:09:15 -0500 (CDT), Pug wrote:
[Discourse on Peerage Participation in Court, or lack thereof, snipped
for brevity.]
> (Is it just me or do I regularly just not understand what the hell is
> going on with the Peerages? *shrug*)
Most Noble and Honorable Lord Pug and those gracious others with an
interest in this discussion, I bring you greetings and my own humble
I must agree that I find it a little disheartening when I hear of a
peer about to be made and see less than 3 members of that Peerage in
attendance. I can only wonder if that peer was made without a
consensus of their Peerage circle. So often this may not be the case,
but I do think that many times the populace in attendance will see it
that way.
I would also agree that it is nice to see Peerage level participation
in court and other SCA functions and I must say that for all the
Peerages, the Pelicans are the least seen. Perhaps that is more the
nature of that Peerage, since most of the best of those who provide
service for all of us do so in the background. Everything just runs so
smoothly that we never know who instigated it. Perhaps it is because
that Peerage is smaller than the other Peerages and so we have less of
them to see. (Why this is so I cannot be completely certain and is
certainly another topic altogether.) Perhaps they are given less
word-fame or perhaps less of them wear regalia to signify their
status, such that we do not notice them as easily as a knight in their
white belt and gold chain. (Again, this could be the nature of such a
humble beast.)
However you see it, though, I think that all we can really say is that
each of the Peers are individuals. We often do not see them working as
a concerted group with a common goal. I could easily be wrong, in that
there may be many projects worked on by Peerage groups, it is simply
that I have seen this only rarely. Perhaps it is the need for better
PR so that us "little folk" can see what they are doing better and
could then better learn from their example?
Overall, however, I think that we must accept that Peers are folks
just like us. They have their own reasons for playing this game. They
have their own ideas about what they want to learn, what they want to
teach, even what they are capable of teaching. As such I would ask
that any Peer who might feel offended by Pug's or my own comments
please consider that neither he nor I were singling anyone out for
criticism. He was expressing his concern in what he feels may be a
trend among some of the individuals in these groups. I have seen that
trend as well among a few. Please at least consider his words in the
kind manner I feel he intends them, there seems to be at least some
basis to them when we look at the generalized grouping.
Honos Servio,
Lionardo Acquistapace, Bjornsborg
(mka Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio)
zarlor at
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