ANST - peerages
cward at
cward at
Tue Sep 23 14:38:22 PDT 1997
Nope, Jan is the Youngest Triple Peer. Both Inman and Sigmund had their
Pelicans before Jan did. I think Sigmund was the first, Inman next, then
Original Text
From: "Burke McCrory" <bmccrory at>, on 9/23/97 4:03
At 02:53 PM 9/23/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Lakin wrote...
>on the Triple-peers, I can think of Inman and Sigmund, but who is the
Harabia Jan w Orzeldom was the first Ansteorran to become a triple-peer.
In Service to the Dream
Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Kingdom of Ansteorra
mka Burke McCrory
email: burkemc at
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