ANST - peerages
Lord Larkin O'Kane
larkin at
Tue Sep 23 16:16:37 PDT 1997
On Tue, 23 Sep 97 16:38:22 -0500, <cward at> "C Ward, Software
Support, x3115" wrote:
>Nope, Jan is the Youngest Triple Peer. Both Inman and Sigmund had their
>Pelicans before Jan did. I think Sigmund was the first, Inman next, then
Sorry, but that's incorrect. the seniority runs:
Jan w Orzeldom 10 KSCA 01/21/79 10790121
Jan w Orzeldom 10 ML 07/14/79 10790714
Sigmund the Wingfooted 10 KSCA 07/18/81 10810718
Sigmund the Wingfooted 10 ML 07/10/82 10820710
Inman MacMoore 10 KSCA 03/03/84 10840303
Inman MacMoore 10 ML 01/04/86 10860104 Resigned
Sigmund the Wingfooted 10 MP 04/12/86 10860412
Jan w Orzeldom 10 MP 04/12/86 10860412
Inman MacMoore 10 ML 11/21/92 10921121
Inman MacMoore 10 MP 01/09/93 10930109
So Jan is senior but Sigmund was the first tripple (they were called
up on the first day but Sigmund was called first). Due to Inman's
resignation of his Laurelate they were both Tripple pears before
Inmann was a double.
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