ANST - What is a Peerage
Pug Bainter
pug at
Wed Sep 24 05:37:24 PDT 1997
> Service is its own goal.
Although it is its own goal, it is not enough in this Society, as I have
been reminded over and over. There are people out there who should be
recognized for the endless service they have given. (If for no other
reason than it will discourage those new to our ranks.)
Of course that is not all that makes a peer. IMHO, peerage is a state
of being and not something that can be intentionally improved such as
artistic ability, fighting ability or organizational skills.
> A Peerage is RARE and should rightly remain thus.
And I agree. I don't think the Peerages should be trivialized by
just lowering our standards. However if there is such a problem that
there are not that many active members of an Order, perhaps they should
reevaluate their guidelines.
My concern is that the individuals performing service are going to be
discouraged by the apparent rarity of Pelicans. Seeing the numbers of
people giving over and over again, seeing the numbers of these people
who have the qualities of a Peer not being recognized, seeing the
*apparent* lack of visibility/attendance by the current group, can be
quite disconcerting.
Although the Knights and Laurels are more visible, for those paying
attention to whom is what, it is disturbing to note the amount of
difference between the active members of each group. (Some of us do
watch what is going on. *smile*)
> You are what you are.
Oh gods. Do I have to be? *wink*
> Not all can be Lions of Ansteorra.
The Lion of Ansteorra is the recognition of the embodiment of the
ideals of the SCA (or the Crowns concept of it). This is something
that very few can actually accomplish in the short time they have with
us. Luckily we have been blessed with a good number of them within
our ranks, including many who have not been blessed with the award
The Peers of the Society have attained part of these ideals, but may not
have completely immersed themself in it.
> Look at Kief, aside from his Belt I would
> bet that that the Lion he wears around his neck means more to him than
> almost anything from the SCA.
Honestly, I would be shocked if the Lion didn't mean more to him. I've
never asked though.
> In fact there are less Lions in the SCA
> than there are Pelicans in the SCA in general.
As well, there are less, in my opinion, people deserving of this most
august order.
Now how many of the Lions vs Pelicans are still active.
> Thank you for your concern, it speaks highly of you.
Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something
Barony of Bryn Gwlad | graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with
House Flaming Dog | vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at | beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
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