ANST - Re: Blackfox - Charity Donations
LadyAnnais at
LadyAnnais at
Tue Sep 23 22:24:37 PDT 1997
So Claryce said.....
> Greetings from HL Claryce, Kingdom Chronicler of Ansteorra,
> The following was posted to the Ansteorran net, and I will comment on this
> posting at the bottom of the forwarded message:
>>>> An update was promised. Please post to the Rialto, AnsteorraNet,
>>>>FurryNet and any other which has an interest. Here it is: The charities
>>>>to which donations can be made are as follows:
>>>> For the SCA/Black Star-make checks out to "SCA Inc., Kingdom of
>>>> Ansteorra. In the memo, write "Black Star".
(Snippage of name and address, everyone probable has this already.)
>>>> These people are Baron and Baroness Northkeep and have pledged to see
>>>>that the checks get safely to the Kingdom Exchequer.
And then I said....
>>>The Black Star is NOT a Kingdom Account. And, therefore, should NOT be run
>>>through the Kingdom Treasurer's office. The Black Star is a Corporate
>>>Your checks should be made payable to: SCA, Inc.--Office of the Black
>>>In the memo if you would like you may put Blackfox Memorial, or some such
>>>other denotation. But, PLEASE, do NOT make checks to Ansteorra. This
>>>cut down greatly on the paperwork, and will ensure that the funds get to
>>>Black Star much, much sooner. <<Perhaps what I should have said was "the
Office of the Black Star>>
>>>Thank you very much,
And then Claryce said....
> Although Annais is correct that the Black Star will be the final
>for all of the donations to the Black Star, it is ***far*** easier for the
>checks to funnel through the Kingdom Treasurer account. (At least easier
>me---Sorry Donald :) The Kingdom will then write a check to the Black Star
>for the entire amount. This will not slow down the production of an Arts
>and Sciences issue at all.
>Any checks that have already been sent to my address that are designated for
>the Arts and Sciences issue will be deposited in the bank for the
>of that issue.
>I hope this clears everything up.
>In Service to King, Kingdom, and the Dream
>HL Claryce Rapheal Orfevre,
>Kingdom Chronicler of Ansteorra
And so I respond....
But that makes no sense to me. In fact, I'm more confused now than before.
I was not worried about the publication of the Arts and Sciences issue. I
know that will come to fruition in a timely manner. That's why you are the
Kingdom Cronicler.
What I was concerned about was the WAY the funds are being fowrded to the
Office of the Black Star, since it is a seperate account than the Kingdom of
Funds for the Black Star come from Corporate stipend, not from the Kingdom's
coffers. Which makes me wonder why you want to do the money transfers in
such a round about way? It seems like a big headache for the Kingdom
Treasurer. Not to mention the fact that it is much more likely that some
funds will be lost in all the transfer. ( I am not questioning anyone's
ability to handle funds properly, just stating the fact that it is **more
likely** to have funds come up missing if handled in such a manner.)
By doing it the way you want, you have a *minimum* of 2 mailings and 1
transfer of funds between kingdom and corporate. If you did it directly to
the Black Star, you have one mailing and no transfer of funds between
If you want to do it your way, that's fine. That's your call. This is why
you are the Kingdom Chronicler. But it makes little sense to me. It would
make more sense for people to send their checks to Milpitas rather than
Ansteorra. After all, Milpitas is corporate and so is the Black Star. Might
as well keep the funds at the same level of the corporation. It would seem to
be a less auditable item if the funds came directly to your office.
I do understand that no matter which route one chooses to send their check,
it will get to the Office of the Black Star. I was just trying to clarify
the fact that Black Star funds should not go through the Kingdom Treasury,
since the Black Star has its own account. And to cut down on the paperwork
involved in the situation.
And since it had already been posted as going to the Black Star via Kingdom
via the Higdons, you did not want to confuse others. Right?
By golly, I'm not as blonde as I look some days. I must be getting brunette
in my old age.
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