ANST - Re: Blackfox - Charity Donations
Burke McCrory
bmccrory at
Wed Sep 24 06:56:35 PDT 1997
At 01:24 AM 9/24/97 -0400, you wrote:
>By doing it the way you want, you have a *minimum* of 2 mailings and 1
>transfer of funds between kingdom and corporate. If you did it directly to
>the Black Star, you have one mailing and no transfer of funds between
>If you want to do it your way, that's fine. That's your call. This is why
>you are the Kingdom Chronicler. But it makes little sense to me. It would
>make more sense for people to send their checks to Milpitas rather than
>Ansteorra. After all, Milpitas is corporate and so is the Black Star. Might
>as well keep the funds at the same level of the corporation. It would seem to
>be a less auditable item if the funds came directly to your office.
I think I see where you have gotten confused. The Black Star account is a
seperate account from the Kingdom account but it is administered here in
Ansteorra not at Milpitas. Checks would not be sent back to the Corp.
office and then included in the next stipend they would be deposited here
by the Kingdom Chronicler. Also remember that the Kingdom Chronicler also
has access to Kingdom funds for the administration of the local
chronicler's if needed. The Corp. stipend can only be spent for the
production of the Black Star, not for the running of the Kingdom hiearchy.
>I do understand that no matter which route one chooses to send their check,
>it will get to the Office of the Black Star. I was just trying to clarify
>the fact that Black Star funds should not go through the Kingdom Treasury,
>since the Black Star has its own account. And to cut down on the paperwork
>involved in the situation.
>And since it had already been posted as going to the Black Star via Kingdom
>via the Higdons, you did not want to confuse others. Right?
>By golly, I'm not as blonde as I look some days. I must be getting brunette
>in my old age.
In Service to the Dream
Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Kingdom of Ansteorra
mka Burke McCrory
email: burkemc at
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