ANST - Elfsea News??
Lord Larkin O'Kane
larkin at
Sun Sep 28 22:22:08 PDT 1997
On Sun, 28 Sep 1997 22:42:49 +0900, Ghislaine Fontaneau/Elayne Hoover
<elyh at> wrote:
>Ritter Dieterich hier scribbles:
>> alas, my waggon
>> is still not fixed. I'm convinced the damnable thing was made by
>> frenchmen.
>et la madamoiselle Ghia réponds:
>"Allez!!! J'ai pensé que tu as été mon ami!"
> Hey there! I thought you were my friend!
>Madame Ghislaine Fontanneau
But Madame, Frenchmen are good for a lot of things, but makling cars
is not one that they are especially good at. i.e. the Fiat?
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