ANST - Elfsea News??
cjw at
Mon Sep 29 09:54:10 PDT 1997
In response to my:
>> alas, my waggon
>> is still not fixed. I'm convinced the damnable thing was made by
>> frenchmen.
Madamoiselle Ghia réponds:
>"Allez!!! J'ai pensé que tu as été mon ami!"
> Hey there! I thought you were my friend!
>Madame Ghislaine Fontanneau
But of course I'm your friend! Why else would I (and the majority of my
countrymen) spend so much time in your fair country? We like you, we like
the wine, we like the land... not enough to stay, mind you, but every fifty
years or so we feel obliged to inv... err... *visit*.
Ritter Dieterich *wink*
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