ANST - Test..
Postmaster at
Mon Sep 29 18:54:46 PDT 1997
[Replying to a message of Baronman at to All]
B> If you can manage to get rid of all of the get rich quick, the XXX
B> rated and the laundry ball ads, you may bother me with all the tests
B> you need.
I haven't noticed much of that in this list. The biggest "spam" problem
appears to be the occaisional CC:Mail bounce flood.
Now, if Pug would get rid of the following, *I* would be much happier:
1) That stupid tag msg on how to get off the list - a monthly (or at worst
weekly) post should suffice and would consume vastly less bandwidth.
2) Idiots who don't now how to use their delete key when quoting and cause
multiple copies of the above nonsense to occur within a single message (I think
I've seen as many as 5 (!) copies of that junk...)
3) People who do not attribute their quotes (Pug, in particular is bad about
this). As I'm sure some of you have noted, posts do not always arrive in order
nor even in a timely fashion. This makes following a thread difficult at
times; failure to attribute quotes serves only to exacerbate this difficulty.
David H. Brummel
Postmaster - Lough na Dobharchu
If men had wings and bore black feathers, few of them would be
clever enough to be crows. --Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, mid-1800s
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