ANST - Test..
Pug Bainter
pug at
Tue Sep 30 05:01:08 PDT 1997
Postmaster said something that sounded like:
> I haven't noticed much of that in this list. The biggest "spam" problem
> appears to be the occaisional CC:Mail bounce flood.
Which should be blocked unless they come out with a new header.
> Now, if Pug would get rid of the following, *I* would be much happier:
> 1) That stupid tag msg on how to get off the list - a monthly (or at worst
> weekly) post should suffice and would consume vastly less bandwidth.
Unfortunately this is a sad balance. Some people hate, some like it.
Personally, I like it cause it keeps people from sending mail to me
asking how to get off the list. I can try shrinking it down though.
> 2) Idiots who don't now how to use their delete key when quoting and cause
> multiple copies of the above nonsense to occur within a single message (I think
> I've seen as many as 5 (!) copies of that junk...)
*shrug* Can't do anything about that. Sorry.
> 3) People who do not attribute their quotes (Pug, in particular is bad about
> this).
Fine. I fixed mine. Phhttt.
Of course it doesn't help when someone posts from the Postmaster account.
> As I'm sure some of you have noted, posts do not always arrive in order
> nor even in a timely fashion. This makes following a thread difficult at
> times; failure to attribute quotes serves only to exacerbate this difficulty.
Well unfortunately I can't do anything about this. It's almost as bad as
Usenet news in this manner. Mail may go to one site quickly so people
can respond, while getting to others slowly. This happens on a per
message basis and not for everything. (Due to problems with the net,
mail servers, etc.) Oddly enough though, I haven't noticed any arriving
out of order. Certainly not in a timely fashion is going to happen.
Sorry I can't be more useful.
Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "If you want my views of history,
Barony of Bryn Gwlad | there is something you should know.
House Flaming Dog | The three men I admire the most are
pug at | Curly, Larry and Moe." --Meatloaf
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