ANST - Houppelande documentation
Martin, Brian
bmartin at
Tue Sep 30 12:16:40 PDT 1997
From: Phyllis Spurr[SMTP:PSPURR at]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 1997 2:23 PM
To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject: Re: ANST - Houppelande documentation
> Date sent: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 12:06:01 +0000
> From: Scot Eddy <seddy at>
> Greeting all,
> Jovian Skleros here. I'm trying to assist some of my shire members
> with documentation of clothing from the High Middle Ages
> houppelandes, etc.) Paintings, illuminations, and block prints
> so that is not a problem, but where do I find evidence for the
> patterns? Or can I? How can I prove that we are doing it acceptably
> close to what they did in the 1400s. Oh, we're using patterns from
> Period Patterns.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Grace and Peace,
> Jovian Skleros
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Jovian, give Jeanmaire a call, she has all the dirt on houppelandes.
To check if your Period Patterns is close, look at the sleeves. Is
the seam for a sleeve running down the back of the arm as opposed to
under the arm? I could help you with houppelandes, but I find it
easier to draw a picture as I am explaining rather than just using
Anyway, Jeanmaire has all the documentation for houppelandes, which
sounds like what you want anyways.
By the way, if I didn't thank you properly over the weekend. Thanks
for helping with my Laureling ceremony. People said it sounded
wonderful. I wouldn't know, I do not believe I heard a thing said
past them calling me into court.
Thanks again for the wonderful job!
Phyllis L. Spurr
Eowyn ferch Rhys Cyfurth
Barony of Elfsea, Ansteorra
Even closer to (your) home than Mistress Jeanmaire; talk to Mistress
Jehanne then next time that you come down to Bryn Gwlad fighter
practice. Of course I'm a bit biased, but Jehanne does do a lot of
Houppelandes. :) Come to think of it, talk to both Jeanmaire and
Jehanne and you can't go wrong!
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