ANST - Theo update
Deborah Wooten by way of Burke McCrory <>
blonde at
Sun Sep 7 16:15:10 PDT 1997
Greetings one and all,
It has been some time since I wrote an update, and our friends from
Missouri, Wendy and Jorge, had to travel to Arizona to remind me that some
worry so and No news isn't good news. I am known for not writting when
things are rough.
Since the last missive I wrote many other friends and family have found us
and given there support and prayers and best wishes. Thank you for without
these moments in our day it seems that all would be without hope. You are
our strenthen when we are at whits end.
Good news though, Theo has gotten aid from the VA for an Aide to come in and
help. Thank goodness because we need it. He is no longer able to get around
the house on his own. Soon a ramp will be built and that will help getting
him out of the house. The ramp is though a service called Direct a nonprofit
group that aides in independant living for the disabled here in tucson.
In all of this mess I got hit by a car. The van wasn't hurt and I suffered
from whiplash but am feeling better. In all the hurry I didn't get the name
and number of the guy that hit me, thinking we were both ok we parted.
Theo's is still swollen from his chest down, from his chest up he looks
starved. His legs are breaking open and ozzing. His appetite is fair. He is
holding on with all he gots and is a testament to the strenth of one being.
Some times willpower is what he survives on.
And he has that!
We celebrated our 7th anniversary the first of September. It was a very
happy day for us.
In closing my thoughts are of you all, of Ansteorra where my husband crowned
a king, and of the love of the life we lead.
Deborah & Theo
Please read slowly I'm Blonde!
Countess Baroness Deborah Lady Mightrinwood CB AoA
AKA Debbie Wooten
blonde at
ICQ UIN 133571
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