ANST - dbackli at Re: [TY] Fencing in Meridies (fwd)
Catherine R Popalisky
songbook at
Sun Sep 7 16:56:34 PDT 1997
--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: dbackli at
To: songbook at
Subject: Re: [TY] Fencing in Meridies (fwd)
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 15:58:18 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.95.970907155808.1444B-100000 at comp>
Northwest Arkansas' "last best hope" for gaming.
The year is 1997. The place: Razorbattles 5
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Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 21:10:59 +0000
From: "Evan L. Herring" < at>
Reply-To: meridies at
To: meridies at
Subject: Re: [TY] Fencing in Meridies
> >
> >
> > In service to Crown and Coronet,
> >
> > THL Beorn of the Northern Sea, KMOF
> Huzzah, Huzzah!!!!
> Much thanks to all involved for their hard work.
> Your Obedient Servant,
> Lord Edmund Cavendish
Pardon me ...
I look forward to folks being able to participate in the art of fence
and all, but it was my understanding that until such time as the
legalization of fence is published in Popular Chivalry, it will not
be legal to fence in Meridies.According to the September Popular
Chivalry, page 5, "Changes to Kingdom Law", to wit:
* I-102 entitled laws of Meridies
ADD- No new laws or amendments shall be in effect, nor shall the
subjects of Meridies be held in account for the new law or amendment
until both proclamation by the Crown and publication in the Kingdom
newsletter takes place.
I congratulate all those responsible for the rebirth of a noble art
in Meridies, but remind all that it is very important that all the
legal i's be dotted and all the legal t's be crossed this time
around. If nothing else, it removes one of the objections raised the
last time the attempt was made.
Neither the Crown nor the Coronet letters, nor the Marshal's letter
in that September issue made any mention of the return of fencing.
That means that the earliest one can legally fence in Meridies will
be sometime after the publication of the October Pop Chiv.
not wishing to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, but wishing to be helpful.
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